Thursday, September 11, 2008

paper stars

I recently discovered "paper stars" from a video that Kristina posted. And I tried and tried to make them, but for some reason my stars just weren't poofing on both sides, one side would be puffy, and the other side caved in. So after a while I gave up, they weren't looking that cute anyways. But then the other day I was walking down the street here in San Francisco where I live (and I live in a very chinese populated area) and ventured into a store that sold strips of pretty crinkly shiny paper just for making paper stars with. So I bought a pack of it for $1.50, I mean why not! And I told the lady at the register that I hadn't been able to get them to "puff" out just right yet, but that maybe it was because of the paper I was using. She smiled and said, "no, you can use ANY kind of paper to make paper stars! Let me teach you how to do it the right way" So she showed me, and it turns out I was just starting the folding going the wrong way! How silly. Anyways I went home and tried it out, and it WORKED!!! And the star was SO CUTE. So I quickly made up the whole pack of paper into stars and I went back to the store to show the lady, and I bought some more paper. Here are two photos of the paper stars I have made :)

here are the 'warm' colors

and here are the 'cool' colors

Aren't they just so cute?! I love them, I love tiny and shiny things ;P Ok until next time!


1 comment:

Hannah said...

will you post how to make these stars? they are so cute!