This layout's main thing is the "apple" frame around my head. That was the only thing that I knew for sure that I wanted to do. It took me a really long time, so after that I didn't want to add too many more embellishments! Its a tradition in my family to go to Apple Hill every year the weekend after Thanksgiving, and I love going there! So this is a photo of me all dressed and ready to go to Apple Hill
This is a photo of what my arms looked like half way through my allergy testing! I know a lot of people will think its weird that I wanted to 1. take photos of this, and 2. scrapbook them! But this was something that I want to remember when I am old. It was something that really changed my life. I have grown up being sick a lot. And over the past few years its been getting worse. One day I went into anaphylactic shock and couldn't breath for several minutes, plus I was crying and throwing up at the same time. It was by far the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I just kept trying to force air in, I didn't know what I was going to do, or what was going to happen to me if I didn't start breathing, and SOON. Well I did, thankfully! But after that I went to the hospital and made an appointment to see an allergist. Now I know for sure what I am allergic to and I carry an Epipen in my purse at all times. Just in case something goes wrong and I go into anaphylactic shock again!
This is a photo of my new cat "Freddo" and I cuddling in the sun by the back door of my house :) My husband and I rescued Freddo. He was abandoned and we adopted him. He really seems to love us, and we really love him :)
Jake and I have been married for 2 1/2 years! I can't believe we are having our 3yr anniversary this year, how the time flew by! This is a photo of us out on the day that we were married for 2 1/2 years. This is one of my new favorite photos of us :)
This is a personal reminder to myself! I get myself so worked up, so stressed out, and so tightly wound sometimes I just have to remind myself to sit back and just breath! My husband reminds me all the time too.
Jake and I moved to Alameda! In Dec :) I wanted to scrapbook this move because its somewhere I really wanted to live and feel so thankful that we were able to move here, and because its something big and important that happened to me while I was 22. (all these 8x8 pages are a part of my "At 22" scrapbook, I am documenting things that happened to me this year that I want to remember) I love the little boy and little girl and the set of keys with the keyhole, and I love the buttons :) I really like this page!
BE GIRLY! This is another personal reminder to myself. Because I have a tendency to dress comfy and its not usually very girly. And I want to dress nice and girly and pretty for Jake :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this page! This is a photo of me and my Great Grandmother Rosie :)
I hope that you like those pages and are inspired :) Have a great day!
1 comment:
I really like all of them :)
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